Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Technology and Visuals in the Classroom

from mimio.dymo.com
Today, I went to Lincoln Elementary School in Cedar Falls, IA for a technology class. When I was there, I learned all about the Mimio (which is similar to the Promethean Board, expect it's portable). I also got the opportunity to watch 6th graders use a Google sketch program that is similar to programs that architects use. Finally, I got to go into a 1st grade classroom and experience the 1st graders showing how they use the Mimio technology throughout the school day. The Mimio technology has a website that explains what the Mimio is, provides/ allows teachers to share lesson plans and activities, and offers other resources as well.
from newalbanyschools.us
Using a Mimio, or Promethean Board, or any kind of smart board for that matter, creates a very engaging and interactive environment for students to learn in. It also is very visual centered, but you can also add audio and have students perform hands-on activities as well. I realized that using some kind of smart board in my classroom is definitely something that I want to do because of all the positives that go along with it. The 1st grade teacher at Lincoln said that she has noticed that students enjoy learning more and are more actively engaged in the learning process as well. The students themselves also love using this technology and said that learning is actually fun now!  :) This is something that I would definitely want my students to think. The variety of visuals used with this technology can benefit all students because of it's ability to adjust to many delivery and learning styles. The Mimio (and other smart boards) are also applicable to students of all ages, Pre-K through College. This is another HUGE benefit to using one in your classroom.
from easygraphics.com
As a future teacher, I would love to have the opportunity to teach with some sort of interactive whiteboard. I feel that interactive whiteboards help support learning and build student skills. Many teachers have the ability to share lesson plans with others from across the States, which is an amazing thing to me! I can't wait to take advantage of the technology in our world today and apply that to my future classroom.  :)

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